You can also call me EDDIE

I'm looking for a new oppoturnity


I'm enthusiastic about web applications and the Internet. I'm a passionate learner who desires to land my next job as a front-end web developer. I'm so insterested in discovering knowledge about front-end technologies such as HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript and React/Redux. In fact, I've got several projects which I'm very excited to show you .

my desk
CollieQ Production Site
HTML-CSSCollieQ Production Site

The site is the presentation of CollieQ, a solution suggestion in response to servere impact of COVID-19, aiming to help local brick-and-mortar businesses control in-door occupancy and the queues outside of their shops as well. This idea won the first place of Prepr's FUN Program Beyond Covid-19: Business Challenge.

Random Quote Machine
JS-ReactRandom Quote Machine

Random Quote Machine, as described by its name, will randomly generate quotes as requested; the quote can also be tweeted via users' Twitter account. This is one of the five challenge projects provided by freeCodeCamp, focusing on applying front-end framework/libraries to build websites. This site is built using React as the main library.

Responsive Intro Section
HTML-CSSResponsive Intro Section

A hero section designed by Front End Mentor challenging coders to build the section with closest look as possible to the original design using HTML, CSS, and some JS.

Responsive Landing Page
HTML-CSSResponsive Landing Page

This is another responsive web design from FreeCodeCamp following 'mobile-first' priority in web development. The work shows typycal sections of a landing page.

Responsive Form
HTML-CSSResponsive Form

This is an assignment by FreeCodeCamp. It demostrates a HTML5/CSS3 form which prioritizes user experience on mobile devices. The form includes familiar fields as designing an online form.


This project is provided by a course on Udemy illustrating the use of ReactJS along with Redux. The web app is able to fetch data from a provided API and store them in Redux store for use within whole app scope.


© 2025 by Thinh (Eddie) Le, built with Gatsby